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Cookies (English)

You are visiting a website owned and operated by Koninklijke Boom uitgevers B.V.

In using the websites owned and operated by Koninklijke Boom uitgevers B.V., the latter and/or third parties may collect information about your use of this and other websites, e.g. through the use of cookies. A cookie is a small file downloaded onto your computer when you access pages of a website and it’s stored by your browser on your computer’s hard-drive. The cookie enables your browser to be identified during repeated visits to a website. The information collected by Koninklijke Boom uitgevers B.V. and/or third parties, e.g. through the use of cookies, can be used for the following purposes:


1. For functional purposes: in order to facilitate navigation and logging onto the websites owned and operated by Koninklijke Boom uitgevers B.V. or to remember your settings and/or preferences when using websites owned and operated by Koninklijke Boom uitgevers B.V.: Example: you log on to a website, and a cookie tells our system during your next visit that you are logged on. This means there is no need for you to log on to the site again.

2. For analytical purposes: in order to analyse the use of the Koninklijke Boom uitgevers B.V. websites. Example: this data enables us to track the number of visitors to a specific website, so that Koninklijke Boom uitgevers B.V. knows which sections of its websites are popular. The data collected by Koninklijke Boom uitgevers B.V based on the above can be used in conjunction with personal data processed by Koninklijke Boom uitgevers.


Deleting and rejecting cookies

You can use your computer’s browser settings to delete previously stored cookies and prevent new cookies from being stored. The method used for storing cookies depends on the type of browser; you can use your browser’s help function if necessary. In addition, you can reject the majority of cookies set while using the websites owned and operated by Koninklijke Boom uitgevers B.V. both individually and collectively through the following website: This also shows you which of the cookies mentioned are active on your browser. Note that you can continue to view advertisements after deleting and/or rejecting cookies. Please note: if you reject and/or delete cookies, you will not always be able to use all the options and features of a website. Furthermore, rejecting and/or deleting cookies only has an effect on the computer and the browser on which you perform this act. If you are using multiple computers and/or browsers, you must repeat the act(s) described above as often as necessary.



The personal data processed by Koninklijke Boom uitgevers B.V., if applicable based on the cookies set, is subject to the Koninklijke Boom uitgevers Privacy Statement.


Amendments to this Statement

Koninklijke Boom uitgevers B.V. reserves the right to amend this Cookie Statement; any amendments will be published on this page. We recommend that you check this Cookie Statement regularly, so as to ensure that you always have access to the most up-to-date version of the Cookie Statement. This Cookie Statement was most recently amended on 19 November 2012.


More information about cookies?

The following websites provide further information about cookies (some information available in Dutch only):

Your Online Choices: A guide to online behavioural 

Netherlands Consumer Association: Wat zijn Cookies?/What are cookies? 

Netherlands Consumer Association: Waarvoor dienen cookies?/What is the purpose of cookies? 

Netherlands Consumer Association: Cookies verwijderen/Deleting cookies 

Netherlands Consumer Association: Cookies uitschakelen/Disabling cookies

Contact Boom head office

Koninklijke Boom Uitgevers works from various locations.

Contact Boom head office

You can reach us in a variety of ways. Our contact details can be found below.
We are available by phone between 08:00 and 17:00 on business days. Of course, you can also ask your question by e-mail.

Stationsweg 66
7941 HG Meppel
PO box 1058
7940 KB Meppel